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  3. The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Star Trek: Discovery 1x04: The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry

Serie Star Trek: Discovery
Staffel 1
Folge 4
Länge 49 Minuten
Genres Action, Adventure, Drama
Erstausstrahlung 09.10.2017
Autoren Aron Eli Coleite, Jesse Alexander
Regisseur Olatunde Osunsanmi

Die Schauspieler der Episode

Schauspieler Rolle
Sonequa Martin-GreenMichael Burnham
Doug JonesSaru
Shazad LatifAsh Tyler
Anthony RappPaul Stamets
Mary WisemanSylvia Tilly
Jason IsaacsCaptain Gabriel Lorca
Michelle YeohCaptain Philippa Georgiou
Jayne BrookAdmiral Cornwell
Mary ChieffoL'Rell
Wilson CruzDr. Hugh Culber
Kenneth MitchellKol
Rekha SharmaCommander Landry
Dennis AndresEngineer Rance
Emily CouttsKeyla Detmer
Jordana BlakeBetarian Girl
Julianne GrossmanDiscovery Computer
Sara MitichAiriam
Oyin OladejoJoann Owosekun
Christopher RussellMilton Richter
Tasia ValenzaShenzhou Computer
Avaah BlackwellOsnullus